Join us virtually for free online educational events these school holidays with the Parliament of NSW from the comfort of your own home!
Our FREE family fun activities will run from 3 July – 7 July 2023 and is perfect for children up to 12 years old, with storytelling, a session on Aboriginal culture and a virtual guided tour through the chambers.
Don’t miss out on this opportunity to visit Australia’s oldest Parliament from wherever you call home!
The activities include:
Monday, July 3rd, 1-2 pm and Wednesday, July 5th, 1-2 pm:
Mirri Mirri – Aboriginal Cultural Education Session for Children
Join Paul from Mirri Mirri to learn about Aboriginal culture with a focus on emblems of NSW.
Tuesday, July 4th, 9-9:45 am and Thursday, July 6th, 9-9:45 am:
Virtual Guided Visit – Heritage Chambers of the Parliament
See where the laws of New South Wales are made and changed.
Friday, July 7th, 9-9:45 am:
Storytime from the Jubilee Room
A delightful storytelling session featuring two stories from Australian children’s authors.
Limited places available for each activity, book now to secure your spot.