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    Referendum Use in NSW: Daylight Saving Case Study

    • Year 10 - Commerce
    • Democracy
    • Representative Democracy

    What you will learn

    • The following information and activities will help you to understand what referenda are.
    • The case study on daylight saving will give you a practical example of how referenda can be used to change the law.
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    Referendum Use in NSW: Daylight Saving Case Study

    Head of State

    • Year 5 & 6
    • 3 Levels of Government
    • Constitutional Monarchy
    • Democracy

    What you will learn

    • The role of the NSW Governor who is the Head of State for NSW
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    Head of State

    Role of Government

    • Year 5 & 6
    • 3 Levels of Government
    • Constitutional Monarchy
    • Democracy

    What you will learn

    • What is the Government
    • How the Government is different from the Parliament
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    Role of Government

    Role of Parliament

    • Year 5 & 6
    • 3 Levels of Government
    • Democracy

    What you will learn

    • How the NSW Parliament works
    • The steps involved in making a law
    • What the two Houses of Parliament do
    • What parliamentary committees do
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    Role of Parliament

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What else is happening at Parliament