Catch up on our recent event, Behind the Lines: A Night with the Artists, where we met some of Australia’s most renowned political cartoonists.
After a tour of the 2022 Behind the Lines exhibition, we sat down with the cartoonists to discuss their creative process, their inspiration and how they view themselves within the ever-changing media landscape.
Watch the Q&A here:
The panel included:
- Glen Le Lievre, whose cartoons and illustrations appear in The Age, The Sydney Morning Herald, The Australian Financial Review, The New Yorker and The Wall Street Journal among many others. Glen has been a frequent Walkley and Ruben award nominee and is MoAD’s 2021 Political Cartoonist of the Year.
- Cathy Wilcox, whose work appears almost daily in The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age. Cathy has received Stanley Awards for her cartoons in 1994, 1997, 2014 and 2015 and she was MoAD’s Political Cartoonist of the year in 2009, 2016 and 2020.
- Fiona Katauskas, whose work appears in The Sydney Morning Herald, The Australian, The Age, New Matilda and Eureka Street. Fiona is also the author and illustrator of The Amazing True Story of How Babies Are Made.
- Meg O’Shea, whose comics have featured The Nib, The Lily and as part of 4A Centre for Contemporary Asian Art’s digital program. Meg’s work has also featured in anthologies including Comic Sans; The Threads That Connect Us; and Drawing Power: Women’s Stories of Sexual Violence, Harassment and Survival, which in 2020 won the Eisner Award for Best Anthology.
- Sarah Murray, Exhibitions Coordinator from the Museum of Australian Democracy.
Behind the Lines is a travelling exhibition developed by the Museum of Australian Democracy at Old Parliament House, proudly supported by the National Collecting Institutions Touring and Outreach program, an Australian Government program aiming to improve access to the national collections for all Australians.