The Parliament of NSW is calling on all budding young artists and story tellers, from Kindergarten to Year 6, to enter the Parliament of NSW NAIDOC Week School Holidays Competition! Just click HERE to download and print your entry!
Did you know that a message stick is a form of communication between Aboriginal nations, clans and language groups, used to pass on or share a message from one community to another?
To celebrate this year’s NAIDOC Week theme, Get Up! Stand Up! Show Up! We invite you to design your own message stick and write a message to the Parliament of NSW. What would you like to tell the Parliament?
For those in younger years, you may like to ask an adult or older sibling to help you write your message.
Four (4) lucky winners will each receive a Parliament of NSW gift pack.
JUNIOR (Kindergarten – Year 2): 1 x metro winner and 1 x regional winner
SENIOR (Year 3 – Year 6): 1 x metro winner and 1 x regional winner
- The competition is open to NSW primary school students, including NSW home-school students – ONE entry per student.
- Immediate family members of NSW Parliament employees, or the immediate family of Members of the NSW Parliament are not eligible to enter
- A parent/guardian’s name, phone number and email must also be provided as consent for competition entry.
- Winners will be decided by a panel of judges. The panel’s decision is final.
- The winners’ entries will be shared with their Member of Parliament – you can find your NSW State Electorate here.
By submitting your work, you give permission for the Parliament of NSW to showcase your artwork along with your FIRST name, YEAR/GRADE LEVEL and your ELECTORATE on the Parliament’s social media platforms (Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram), and other internal newsletter publications.
- Take a photo or scan your completed work and email it to: [email protected]
- Include the following details:
- Child’s Name, Year Level, Parent/Guardian Name & contact details, and NSW State Electorate
- Name your file using the convention: NSW Parliament NAIDOC Week Competition_ Full Name_Year Level_Electorate
Entries close midnight Friday 22 July. Winners will be notified by Friday 12 August 2022.
Have fun and GOOD LUCK 🙂