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    Parliament and Government

    • Year 10 - Commerce
    • Elections
    • Legislative Change
    • Representative Democracy

    Learning Outcomes

    • Describe how and why the separation of powers exists in Australia's democratic system
    • Outline which political parties and Independents have been elected to the NSW Parliament.
    • Describe how government is formed in a democracy based on the Westminster system
    • Explain the terms parliamentary majority, a hung parliament and minority government and explain their significance in forming government in NSW
    • Explain the difference between parliament and government
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    Parliament and Government

    How Laws are Made and Changed

    • Year 10 - Commerce
    • Legislative Change
    • Representative Democracy

    Learning Outcomes

    • Examine the role of law in society and investigate how and why laws change
    • Understand the role of the Parliament in the making of statute law
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    How Laws are Made and Changed

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